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Healthcare Uniform

Healthcare Uniform

Why healthcare uniform is a must for your organizations and groups

Healthcare uniform like scrubs are commonly worn by healthcare professionals. It helps healthcare professionals identify contaminants and bodily fluids, are inexpensive to replace, get cleaned using harsh chemicals and heat, protect personal clothing from being ruined and help identify nurses in the work place.

healthcare uniforms
healthcare uniforms

Scrubs are great for helping healthcare professionals identify contaminants and bodily waste such as vomit, stool, urine, blood and other fluids or chemicals. Depending on the healthcare facility, a nurse may be required to wear solid color healthcare uniform such as white or blue scrub sets. However, there are facilities that have less stringent polices that allow healthcare professionals to wear various colors and patterns as uniform.

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Healthcare facilities that clean the scrubs and other healthcare uniforms that nurses wear may use special cleaning chemicals and high temperature machines to clean the scrubs. This type of cleaning is likely to be significantly harsher than those used to clean personal clothing and could potentially ruin the nurses’ own clothes if they were to wear them to work instead of scrubs. The additional effort that is performed to washing a nurse’s scrubs ensures that they are thoroughly cleaned and that the contaminants are properly removed.

Given the fact that some healthcare facilities clean their healthcare uniforms, it is likely that the scrubs will be cleaner than a nurse’s own personal clothing. Because they are cleaned at the facility it can be almost guaranteed that the nurses’ outfits are cleaned and not re-worn without being washed, which helps ensure the nurses aren’t carrying around potential germs or contaminants on their clothing.

healthcare uniforms

Basic healthcare scrubs are often inexpensive which makes them easily disposable if necessary and allows them to be cleaned under harsh circumstances with little concern. If they ever are ruined, they can be replaced without too much cost to the individual or healthcare facility. In addition to helping individuals identify the nurses in the facility some healthcare organizations feel that scrubs offer a more uniform and professional appearance.

At Bravo Apparel, we offer a variety of healthcare uniforms with both traditional and stylish cut and design that are affordable and long lasting. If you want to look great while at work, you are at the right place.

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