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Why Branded Apparel is Important for Business

Why Branded Apparel is Important for Business

As a business, you may have considered branded apparel giveaways for various events your company puts on or takes part in. For example, if your business hosts a holiday party for customers, you may want to give out branded apparel such as t-shirts to your guests commemorating the event. For a company hosting a party for its employees, a polo or dress shirt with your logo may be the appropriate branded apparel. Did you know when it comes to designing your shirts and other branded apparel items you can design your branded apparel online?

Why Branded Apparel is Important for Business

At Bravo Apparel’s website you can fully design your branded apparel by starting from scratch with a clean canvas. It’s an easy way to design any branded apparel you want, on your schedule! Checkout our design tool. If you are saying to yourself, “What type of branded apparel is best for my business?”, check out our product catalog for more ideas!

For all companies, branding is important. Every marketing piece, commercial, website, etc., is representative of your brand and makes up your brand image. In addition to branding that your business is presenting, there are individuals outside your company that admire your company and would be interested in telling others why they like your brand; these are your brand ambassadors. You can easily find your brand ambassadors online as these are the people that may be blogging about you or tweeting about their experiences with your business. While online it’s easy to tell who your brand ambassadors are, offline it may not be as easy. How are you able to know who your brand ambassadors are by just looking at them? You can when they walk around wearing something with your logo! Branded apparel is a great way for a business to get their brand in front of others. Here are some branded apparel items that we think are great for your brand ambassadors and also your employees (who we hope are brand ambassadors too)!


Shirts are our favorite branded apparel item. From t-shirts to polo shirts there are many styles of branded shirts, which make these appropriate for many different settings. Shirts are not only our favorite branded item because of the versatility, but also because consumers keep promotional shirts!

In addition to providing branded apparel to consumers that love your brand, make sure you are branding your employees especially at high profile events like conventions and trade shows. For these types of events even when you are not at your booth or with other company employees, others will know who you represent which can be a great opportunity to speak about your brand. Shirts are perfect for everyone and are sure to start up conversations with your employees and brand ambassadors about your products.

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Why Branded Apparel is Important for Business


Why Branded Apparel is Important for Business

In addition to shirts we like branded outerwear apparel! We like outerwear items such as jackets and sweaters, which can come in various styles and thicknesses for all types of weather. As with other branded apparel items make sure to get items that are well representative of your business; if your branded apparel does not look great, a negative image may be felt about your brand.

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Perfect for a sporting event, a sunny day and more, various types of headwear are great branding tools. We like hats for your giveaways and freebies at events, but we also think this is a great branding tool for a company outing. Not only will your employees wear the hats at the event, but each time they wear the hat elsewhere your brand will be noticed. In addition to traditional hats, we like branded visors as giveaways at golf tournaments.

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Why Branded Apparel is Important for Business

These are just three branded apparel items that we like but there are many other items that may work for your business. One popular trend we are seeing is businesses looking to purchase “Made in Canada” products and we have many styles that are Made in Canada! What branded apparel items does your company use to promote your brand?

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